[MacPorts] #47776: ld64 @2 Add wrapper script to select compatible linker
noreply at macports.org
Tue May 19 21:44:12 PDT 2015
#47776: ld64 @2 Add wrapper script to select compatible linker
Reporter: steve+macports@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Keywords: | Port: ld64
==== Introduction ====
It could be useful to add a wrapper script to switch between ld64 versions
depending on the supplied arguments.
In particular, ld64-127 or ld64-97 are required for ppc but in general it
is preferable to use a more recent version.
Since ld64 already supports multiple architectures, it isn't especially
subversive to wrap it in a script that extends that support to legacy
I'm attaching a script that calls ld-97 for ppc on 10.4 and earlier,
ld-127 for ppc on 10.5 and ld-latest otherwise. It inserts the list of
supported ppc architectures on stderr when called as ld -v.
I haven't integrated the script with MacPorts yet, but I imagine it is
possible to add as an additional subport and/or variant of ld64, with
dependencies on existing subports.
==== Analysis ====
This isn't such a big deal for gcc since each architecture has a separate
toolchain, into which the correct ld can be symlinked.
There are also mechanisms in clang for choosing which ld will be used:
1. Create a separate toolchain in a similar way to what gcc does, eg under
/usr/local/powerpc-apple-darwin10-llvm-3.6. If ld exists in the same
directory as clang, it will be found.
2. Use COMPILER_PATH or -B to specify a path to search for ld.
3. Call clang -target powerpc-apple-macosx10.4 instead of clang -arch ppc
-mmacosx-version-min=10.4 and symlink powerpc-apple-macosx10.4-ld to
Unfortunately none of these solutions works seamlessly when you want to
build a universal binary - in each case it would be necessary to build a
ppc binary separately and then call lipo yourself instead of letting clang
do it for you (the -B and -target options cannot be set per-arch with
-Xarch_ppc etc).
One possible workaround for universal builds is to choose the linker based
on the minimum supported version, rather than the supported archs - ie to
support 10.4+ use ld-97, for 10.5+ use ld-127 etc. This approach is
compatible with COMPILER_PATH or -B, it's just necessary to create a
directory for each linker version so it can be symlinked as simply ld.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47776>
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