[MacPorts] #47808: port:jpeg proposal to prepare for making port:libjpeg-turbo the default jpeg dependency
noreply at macports.org
Sat May 23 01:11:33 PDT 2015
#47808: port:jpeg proposal to prepare for making port:libjpeg-turbo the default
jpeg dependency
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: ryandesign@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: jpeg |
Comment (by rjvbertin@…):
Replying to [comment:3 ryandesign@…]:
> I don't really understand the benefit of doing it this way. I propose to
do it the way I [https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-
users/2015-May/038587.html described on the mailing list]:
I have been participating in that thread...
The way proposed by this patch is in no way incompatible with the way you
propose, IMHO it complements it, and makes it less of a "one-shot that
shouldn't be missed" venture.
> verifying that libjpeg-turbo works ('''''or at least builds''''')
Is having an escape route ready if it only builds such an unimaginable
idea, or even the idea of keeping the original/traditional/reference port
around such that it can be co-installed with whatever it's going to be
replaced with?
My professional as well as personal experience (as if they could be
separated...) tells me that users (myself included) who rely on a central
library like this rarely appreciate it if it's replaced behind their backs
without as much as an option to opt-out and keep using what they've always
been using.
I'm quite certain that I've seen a statement in the libjpeg-turbo
documentation (README or elsewhere) that there is no guarantee that the
software renders to a result identical to what libjpeg would have given,
despite the ABI compatibility. For me that is sufficient reason to keep
the port around.
[small]Sometimes I wonder what MacPorts is supposed to be - a show-case
what FOSS can be installed through it and that's catering to people who'd
use Arch or Gentoo and spend their computer time keeping the system up to
date, or something that's aiming to support productivity that's not
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47808#comment:4>
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