[MacPorts] #47806: OpenCoarrays @1.0
noreply at macports.org
Sun May 31 10:43:28 PDT 2015
#47806: OpenCoarrays @1.0
Reporter: fanfarillo.gcc@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by fanfarillo.gcc@…):
Replying to [comment:2 damian@…]:
> Replying to [comment:1 ryandesign@…]:
> > This port is a prerequisite for #47426.
> >
> > The use of `use_configure no` is a cause for concern, because it
usually implies that the port is not UsingTheRightCompiler or `-arch`
flags and doesn't have a universal variant so these things have to be done
manually in the port. If you're using fsf gcc then that further
complicates things, but I'm not sure if you are using gcc, since you've
declared a dependency on gcc5 but haven't given any configure arguments or
environment variables telling the build to use it.
> I have had a very hard time figuring out the appropriate dependencies so
I'm hoping you can help sort this out:
> (1) Building gcc5 does not require the OpenCoarrays libcaf_mpi.a
library, but using gcc5 to build parallel executables from coarray Fortran
codes requires linking to libcaf_mpi.a
> (2) Building libcaf_mpi.a does not require gcc5 (earlier versions of
gcc5 can build libcaf_mpi.a), but libcaf_mpi.a will be unusable if mpich-
gcc5 is not present.
> so either can be built without the other, but each is of limited utility
without the utility without the other. Should gcc5 depend on OpenCoarrays
or should OpenCoarrays depend on gcc5 or neither?
> Damian
Starting from a clean system, without gcc5, I expect the user to
install gcc5 first. Then, if he/she is interested also in
coarray support, will install opencoarrays. This will probably
download mpich-devel-gcc5 if not already installed.
I just tested the portfile locally and all the actions I described ran
exactly as expected. The opencoarrays library has been saved in
/opt/local/lib. I also tried to compile and run a coarray program
after the installation process:
mpif90 -fcoarray=lib testCoarray.f90 -L/opt/local/lib -lcaf_mpi -o test
compiles without any problem
$ mpirun -np 4 ./test
Hello world, I am 1
1 prev 0 next 2
Hello world, I am 2
2 prev 1 next 3
Hello world, I am 3
3 prev 2 next 0
Hello world, I am 4
4 prev 3 next 1
which means the program runs correctly too.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47806#comment:5>
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