[MacPorts] #49713: autoconf: generated configure scripts should not try to use nawk
noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 16 10:11:12 PST 2015
#49713: autoconf: generated configure scripts should not try to use nawk
Reporter: ryandesign@… | Owner: larryv@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.99
Keywords: haspatch | Port: autoconf
autoconf generates configure scripts that, among other things, try to
determine which awk implementation to use. It tries, in order, gawk, mawk,
nawk and awk, and uses the first one that's found.
gawk works well. I've never tried mawk but also never heard of any
problems with it. But users who install nawk but do not have gawk
installed have experienced numerous build failures of various ports. There
are many prior tickets. In the past, I've fixed this by using the
conflicts_build portgroup to add a build conflict with nawk. This is
inconvenient for the user who actually wants to use nawk for their own
work, because it requires them to deactivate nawk prior to building the
port they requested and to reactivate it later. Lately, Josh has been
fixing the problem a different way: by patching configure scripts to no
longer try to use nawk. I've changed several ports today to use that
method, but ran into a problem fixing graphviz, because graphviz uses
autoreconf to regenerate its configure script, so even though I've patched
it to not use nawk, it gets regenerated at configure time and then again
will use nawk.
Although not all ports fail to build when nawk is installed (for example,
autoconf itself doesn't), enough do that I would like a more central
solution for this issue. As a first step, I propose that the autoconf port
be modified so that the configure scripts it generates no longer attempt
to use nawk. I'm not aware of any benefit of trying to use nawk, and as I
said I'm aware of many drawbacks. There are probably countless ports that
fail to build with nawk that have not been reported; for example, I just
fixed this problem in gdal today. By fixing the problem centrally in
autoconf, we fix the problem for all ports using autoconf, and fixing
other ports could become as easy as just having them run autoreconf (or,
of course, manually writing a patchfile).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49713>
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