[MacPorts] #49020: cctools @870: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for cctools-870.tar.gz
noreply at macports.org
Thu Oct 1 16:49:42 PDT 2015
#49020: cctools @870: Checksum (rmd160) mismatch for cctools-870.tar.gz
Reporter: john.qingwang@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: cctools |
Comment (by Hot-Wire@…):
* Updated to MacPorts 2.3.4 via `port selfupdate`.
* `cctools` still failed to build due to checksum error.
* Replaced `/opt/local/var/macports/distfiles/cctools/cctools-870.tar.gz`
with attachment noted in comment 6.
* `cctools` successfully built.
* Compared the two tarballs. Difference in size of 41 bytes.
* Unpacked both old and new tarballs. Comparing them with `diff -r`
detected no differences.
* Dumping tarball directories with `tar tzf` and comparing with `diff`
detected no differences.
Not sure what else to throw at this to convince folks it's a stealth
change on Apple's part, and not user error or corruption. There doesn't
seem to be any user-side corrective action that can be taken either,
except replacing the tarball with the one above. Can you just update the
port checksums to the current file?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49020#comment:9>
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