[MacPorts] #48451: sdrplay support for gr-osmosdr
noreply at macports.org
Sat Oct 3 15:02:34 PDT 2015
#48451: sdrplay support for gr-osmosdr
Reporter: fjturk@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords: sdrplay, gnuradio, gqrx, gr-osmosdr
Port: gr-osmosdr |
Comment (by markjohnson@…):
I have an SDRPlay, and I applied this diff to my Portfile, and I can
confirm this allowed me to do "port install gr-osmosdr +sdrplay" and have
the SDRPlay work reasonably well with gqrx, also installed via MacPorts.
Regarding the Mac OS X drivers not being ready for prime time... They are
outdated compared to the Windows drivers. I believe the main issue for me
was actually bugs in part of the gr-osmosdr library code, which resulted
in lots of pops and static.
The diff that improved gr-osmosdr SDRPlay functionality greatly for me is:
It looks like this code has not yet been added to git://git.osmocom.org
I'm also looking into fixing that code completely via a separate thread to
read from the device, a FIFO circular buffer, etc.
Anyway, I think even in the current state, before the above diff is
applied to the main gr-osmosdr repo, this patch is still very useful.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/48451#comment:4>
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