[MacPorts] #49132: sbcl fails to build on OS X 10.11

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue Oct 6 11:56:39 PDT 2015

#49132: sbcl fails to build on OS X 10.11
  Reporter:  glen@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
      Type:  defect  |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal  |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports   |    Version:  2.3.4
Resolution:          |   Keywords:
      Port:  sbcl    |

Comment (by glen@…):

 Tail of the logfile:

 --noinform --core
 --lose-on-corruption --disable-debugger --no-sysinit --no-userinit --eval
 '(load (format nil "SYS:CONTRIB;~:@(~A~);TEST.LISP" "sb-sprof"))'
 :info:build ; disassembly for CONSALOT
 :info:build ; Size: 180 bytes. Origin: #x1004168D28
 :info:build ; 28:       498B4C2460       MOV RCX, [R12+96]
 ; thread.binding-stack-pointer
 ; no-arg-parsing entry point
 :info:build ; 2D:       48894DF8         MOV [RBP-8], RCX
 :info:build ; 31:       BA17001020       MOV EDX, 537919511
 :info:build ; 36:       BB204E0000       MOV EBX, 20000
 :info:build ; 3B:       E96F000000       JMP L5
 :info:build ; 40: L0:   4883EB02         SUB RBX, 2
 :info:build ; 44:       49896C2440       MOV [R12+64], RBP
 ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
 :info:build ; 49:       4D8B5C2418       MOV R11, [R12+24]
 ; thread.alloc-region
 :info:build ; 4E:       498D7360         LEA RSI, [R11+96]
 :info:build ; 52:       493B742420       CMP RSI, [R12+32]
 :info:build ; 57:       7764             JNBE L6
 :info:build ; 59:       4989742418       MOV [R12+24], RSI
 ; thread.alloc-region
 :info:build ; 5E:       498D730F         LEA RSI, [R11+15]
 :info:build ; 62: L1:   48C746F1D9000000 MOV QWORD PTR [RSI-15], 217
 :info:build ; 6A:       48C746F914000000 MOV QWORD PTR [RSI-7], 20
 :info:build ; 72:       49316C2440       XOR [R12+64], RBP
 ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
 :info:build ; 77:       7403             JEQ L2
 :info:build ; 79:       0F0B09           BREAK 9
 ; pending interrupt trap
 :info:build ; 7C: L2:   49896C2440       MOV [R12+64], RBP
 ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
 :info:build ; 81:       4D8B5C2418       MOV R11, [R12+24]
 ; thread.alloc-region
 :info:build ; 86:       498D4B10         LEA RCX, [R11+16]
 :info:build ; 8A:       493B4C2420       CMP RCX, [R12+32]
 :info:build ; 8F:       773C             JNBE L7
 :info:build ; 91:       49894C2418       MOV [R12+24], RCX
 ; thread.alloc-region
 :info:build ; 96:       498D4B07         LEA RCX, [R11+7]
 :info:build ; 9A: L3:   49316C2440       XOR [R12+64], RBP
 ; thread.pseudo-atomic-bits
 :info:build ; 9F:       7403             JEQ L4
 :info:build ; A1:       0F0B09           BREAK 9
 ; pending interrupt trap
 :info:build ; A4: L4:   488971F9         MOV [RCX-7], RSI
 :info:build ; A8:       48895101         MOV [RCX+1], RDX
 :info:build ; AC:       488BD1           MOV RDX, RCX
 :info:build ; AF: L5:   4885DB           TEST RBX, RBX
 :info:build ; B2:       7F8C             JNLE L0
 :info:build ; B4:       488BE5           MOV RSP, RBP
 :info:build ; B7:       F8               CLC
 :info:build ; B8:       5D               POP RBP
 :info:build ; B9:       C3               RET
 :info:build ; BA:       0F0B10           BREAK 16
 ; Invalid argument count trap
 :info:build ; BD: L6:   6A60             PUSH 96
 :info:build ; BF:       BEA0AE1100       MOV ESI, 1158816
 ; alloc_tramp
 :info:build ; C4:       FFD6             CALL RSI
 :info:build ; C6:       5E               POP RSI
 :info:build ; C7:       4080CE0F         OR SIL, 15
 :info:build ; CB:       EB95             JMP L1
 :info:build ; CD: L7:   6A10             PUSH 16
 :info:build ; CF:       B9A0AE1100       MOV ECX, 1158816
 ; alloc_tramp
 :info:build ; D4:       FFD1             CALL RCX
 :info:build ; D6:       59               POP RCX
 :info:build ; D7:       80C907           OR CL, 7
 :info:build ; DA:       EBBE             JMP L3
 :info:build *
 :info:build WARNING! Some of the contrib modules did not build
 successfully or pass
 :info:build their self-tests. Failed contribs:"
 :info:build   sb-concurrency
 :info:build Command failed: ulimit -s 8192 && unset LD_PREBIND && unset
 && export CC && CC=/usr/bin/clang && export CXX && CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ &&
 export CPP && CPP==/usr/bin/cpp && sh ./make.sh --fancy
 --prefix=/opt/local --xc-
 --disable-debugger --sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null"
 :info:build Exit code: 1
 :error:build org.macports.build for port sbcl returned: command execution
 :debug:build Error code: NONE
 :debug:build Backtrace: command execution failed
     while executing
 "proc-org.macports.build-build-0 org.macports.build"
     ("eval" body line 1)
     invoked from within
 "eval $procedure $targetname"
 :info:build Warning: targets not executed for sbcl: org.macports.destroot

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49132#comment:1>
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