[MacPorts] #49152: mosesdecoder @20121007 build error
noreply at macports.org
Wed Oct 7 07:07:27 PDT 2015
#49152: mosesdecoder @20121007 build error
Reporter: will.c.hunt@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.4
Keywords: | Port: mosesdecoder
I have installed MacPorts (for the first time) to build Moses
I successfully installed giza-pp and irstlm (related translation tools)
and had no problems installing all of Moses's dependencies (including
boost). I also installed and selected gcc49 because I read that boost 1.59
doesn't work with gcc43 (default version).
Unfortunately I always get the following error when trying to install
mosesdecoder. (I have cleaned and retried several times)
$ sudo port install mosesdecoder
---> Computing dependencies for mosesdecoder
---> Fetching archive for mosesdecoder
---> Attempting to fetch mosesdecoder-20121007_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2
from http://packages.macports.org/mosesdecoder
---> Attempting to fetch mosesdecoder-20121007_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2
from http://jog.id.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/mosesdecoder
---> Attempting to fetch mosesdecoder-20121007_0.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2
from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/mosesdecoder
---> Fetching distfiles for mosesdecoder
---> Verifying checksums for mosesdecoder
---> Extracting mosesdecoder
---> Applying patches to mosesdecoder
---> Configuring mosesdecoder
---> Building mosesdecoder
Error: org.macports.build for port mosesdecoder returned: command
execution failed
Please see the log file for port mosesdecoder for details:
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port mosesdecoder failed
(main.log is attached)
Here is the result of "port installed" just in case...
autoconf @2.69_5 (active)
automake @1.15_1 (active)
boost @1.59.0_1+no_single+no_static+python27 (active)
bzip2 @1.0.6_0 (active)
cctools @870_0+llvm35 (active)
clang-3.3 @3.3_8+analyzer+arm_runtime+python27 (active)
clang_select @1.0_0 (active)
cloog @0.18.3_0 (active)
db48 @4.8.30_4 (active)
dyld-headers @239.3_0 (active)
expat @2.1.0_0 (active)
gcc49 @4.9.3_0 (active)
gcc_select @0.1_8 (active)
gdbm @1.11_1 (active)
gettext @0.19.6_0 (active)
giza-pp @1.0.7_0 (active)
gmp @6.0.0_1 (active)
gperf @3.0.4_2 (active)
icu @55.1_0 (active)
irstlm @5.80.03_0 (active)
isl @0.14.1_0 (active)
ld64 @2_0 (active)
ld64-latest @242_0+llvm35 (active)
libcxx @3.6.0_0 (active)
libedit @20150325-3.1_0 (active)
libffi @3.2.1_0 (active)
libgcc @5.2.0_0 (active)
libiconv @1.14_0 (active)
libmacho-headers @870_0 (active)
libmpc @1.0.3_0 (active)
libtool @2.4.6_1 (active)
libunwind-headers @3.6.0_0 (active)
llvm-3.3 @3.3_8 (active)
llvm-3.5 @3.5.2_5 (active)
llvm-gcc42 @2336.11_2 (active)
llvm_select @1.0_0 (active)
mpfr @3.1.3_0 (active)
ncurses @6.0_0 (active)
openssl @1.0.2d_0 (active)
perl5 @5.16.3_0+perl5_16 (active)
perl5.16 @5.16.3_1 (active)
python2_select @0.0_1 (active)
python27 @2.7.10_3 (active)
python_select @0.3_5 (active)
sqlite3 @ (active)
xz @5.2.2_0 (active)
zlib @1.2.8_0 (active)
I am guessing this has something to do with boost or Mac OS 10.11
compatibility. Perhaps I should try another gcc version or boost
Thanks alot, and I apologize in advance if this is some kind of simple
newbie mistake.
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