[MacPorts] #49174: yubico-pam installation failed on OS X El Capitan 10.11.1 Beta (15B30a)
noreply at macports.org
Wed Oct 7 14:47:26 PDT 2015
#49174: yubico-pam installation failed on OS X El Capitan 10.11.1 Beta (15B30a)
Reporter: jplegat@… | Owner: macports-
Type: defect | tickets@…
Priority: Normal | Status: new
Component: ports | Milestone:
Keywords: yubico-pam, el capitan, mac os | Version: 2.3.4
| Port: yubico-pam
Log attached.
sudo port install yubico-pam
Portfile changed since last build; discarding previous state.
---> Computing dependencies for yubico-pam
---> Dependencies to be installed: asciidoc docbook-xml-4.5 xmlcatmgr fop
libxml2 libiconv gperf xz gettext expat ncurses zlib python27 bzip2 db48
libedit openssl python2_select python_select sqlite3 autoconf automake
docbook-xsl libtool libxslt pkgconfig ykpers libyubikey yubico-c-client
curl curl-ca-bundle perl5 perl5.16 gdbm help2man p5.22-locale-gettext
Portfile changed since last build; discarding previous state.
---> Fetching archive for xmlcatmgr
---> Attempting to fetch xmlcatmgr-2.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Attempting to fetch xmlcatmgr-2.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Attempting to fetch xmlcatmgr-2.2_1.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from
---> Fetching distfiles for xmlcatmgr
---> Verifying checksums for xmlcatmgr
---> Extracting xmlcatmgr
---> Configuring xmlcatmgr
---> Building xmlcatmgr
Error: org.macports.build for port xmlcatmgr returned: command execution
Error: Failed to install xmlcatmgr
Please see the log file for port xmlcatmgr for details:
Error: The following dependencies were not installed: asciidoc docbook-
xml-4.5 xmlcatmgr fop libxml2 libiconv gperf xz gettext expat ncurses zlib
python27 bzip2 db48 libedit openssl python2_select python_select sqlite3
autoconf automake docbook-xsl libtool libxslt pkgconfig ykpers libyubikey
yubico-c-client curl curl-ca-bundle perl5 perl5.16 gdbm help2man p5.22
-locale-gettext perl5.22
To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
Error: Processing of port yubico-pam failed
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49174>
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