[MacPorts] #49058: apbs: several minor enhancements
noreply at macports.org
Thu Oct 8 16:34:59 PDT 2015
#49058: apbs: several minor enhancements
Reporter: dstrubbe@… | Owner: howarth.at.macports@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.4
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch
Port: apbs |
Comment (by howarth.at.macports@…):
It appears that the current implementation of git support can't handle the
directory configuration in upstream apbs-pdb2pqr. Using...
worksrcdir ${name}-pdb2pqr/${name}
git.url https://github.com/Electrostatics/apbs-pdb2pqr.git
git.branch d4e78c62e6a07f92c26924318d83a159fa6af063
produces a git pull with ${name}-pdb2pqr/${name}/${name}
That is you need to have the complete pull but need to build from within
the ${name} subdirectory. The act of setting worksrcdir to
${name}-pdb2pqr/${name} causes the git pull to occur within the ${name}
subdirectory rather than just treating that as the worksrcdir *AFTER* the
git pull.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/49058#comment:4>
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