[MacPorts] #48490: texlive-bin @2015_1: Undefined symbols: _mpfr_set_zero
noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 9 04:41:34 PDT 2015
#48490: texlive-bin @2015_1: Undefined symbols: _mpfr_set_zero
Reporter: manuel.schaich@… | Owner: dports@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: texlive-bin |
Comment (by s.j.clark@…):
I had the same issue after upgrading OS to 10.11 and reinstalling
macports. I've not gotten to the bottom of it yet to suggest a proper fix
but a easy hack that worked for me was to simply move the mpfr in
/usr/local out of the way, install texlive-bin in the usual manner and
then put mpfr back again:
sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/tmp
sudo mv /usr/local/lib/*mpfr* /usr/local/lib/tmp/
sudo port install texlive-bin
sudo mv /usr/loca/lib/tmp/* /usr/local/lib
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/48490#comment:10>
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