[MacPorts] #47752: gimp-lqr-plugin @0.7.2: autogen.sh failure
noreply at macports.org
Mon Oct 26 16:43:39 PDT 2015
#47752: gimp-lqr-plugin @0.7.2: autogen.sh failure
Reporter: tome@… | Owner: devans@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.3
Resolution: worksforme | Keywords:
Port: gimp-lqr-plugin |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):
* status: assigned => closed
* resolution: => worksforme
Replying to [comment:4 devans@…]:
> Check that the MacPorts install path is first in your PATH. In my case
> {{{
> echo $PATH
> }}}
> /opt/local/bin needs to be before /usr/bin (this is part of the MacPorts
initial setup). In particular see
The PATH environment variable is for the user's convenience only. MacPorts
itself does not use it. MacPorts uses the value of `binpath` in
Replying to [comment:10 tome@…]:
> have received no emails after my last reply. happened to lookup the
ticket and saw the above responses, but have no idea what they mean.
You're probably referring to some spam in this ticket that I have now
removed. There was an automated process that was CC'ing and un-CC'ing
itself from MacPorts tickets. The process has been fixed to not do that
anymore, and I have been removing the resultant spam from tickets.
> too much for me. will try to find another way to do what i want to do.
if there is anybody out there, you can remove this problem.
If you don't wish to troubleshoot the problem further, that's fine, and
I'm closing the ticket. If you wish to continue, please re-open the
ticket. It does sound like the problem is specific to your computer
We [comment:5 already established] that MacPorts thinks automake 1.15 is
installed, but gimp-lqr-plugin thinks automake 1.10 is installed. The
command I would suggest you run is:
/opt/local/bin/automake --version
That should tell us what version of automake is actually installed. If it
doesn't match the version MacPorts thinks is installed (for example: if it
says 1.10, but MacPorts says 1.15 is installed), then something outside of
MacPorts may have overwritten your MacPorts automake with an older
version. You could get back to the MacPorts-provided version by running:
sudo port -f deactivate automake
sudo port activate automake
However, if something outside of MacPorts overwrote your automake files,
we have no way of knowing if it also overwrote files belonging to other
MacPorts ports, so the safest solution at that point would be to
uninstall MacPorts], including removing the /opt/local directory, then
reinstall MacPorts and the ports you want. That way you can be sure
nothing is in /opt/local that shouldn't be there.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/47752#comment:11>
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