[MacPorts] #51175: angband trouble with 'port clean'
noreply at macports.org
Wed Apr 20 22:05:08 PDT 2016
#51175: angband trouble with 'port clean'
Reporter: reeskm@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: defect | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.4
Resolution: fixed | Keywords:
Port: angband |
Comment (by ryandesign@…):
Ok great.
MacPorts already defaults to not using the universal variant, so the only
thing that putting `-universal` in variants.conf accomplishes is disabling
the universal variant of ports like angband with the aqua variant that
explicitly require the universal variant. That's probably only going to
cause you problems, so I would recommend removing `-universal` from
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/51175#comment:5>
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