[MacPorts] #52128: ld64: don't add unsupported subports
noreply at macports.org
Mon Aug 29 03:07:45 PDT 2016
#52128: ld64: don't add unsupported subports
Reporter: mojca@… | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ld64 |
Comment (by mojca@…):
Here is the preliminary patch:
--- Portfile (revision 152090)
+++ Portfile (working copy)
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
+# Not supported on Yosemite or later.
+if {${os.major} < 14} {
subport ld64-97 {
# XCode 3.2.6
version 97.17
@@ -62,14 +64,8 @@
ld64-97-no-Availability.h.patch \
ld64-97-BaseAtomImplicitDecl.patch \
- if {${os.major} >= 14} {
- pre-fetch {
- ui_error "$subport is not supported on Yosemite or later."
- error "unsupported platform"
- }
- }
subport ld64-127 {
# XCode 4.2
@@ -94,6 +90,8 @@
+# Not supported on Leopard or earlier. It requires the blocks runtime.
+if {${os.major} > 9} {
subport ld64-136 {
# XCode 4.6
version 136
@@ -113,13 +111,6 @@
if {${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libstdc++"} {
patchfiles-append ld64-136-hash_set.patch
- if {${os.major} <= 9} {
- pre-fetch {
- ui_error "$subport is not supported on Leopard or earlier.
It requires the blocks runtime."
- error "unsupported platform"
- }
- }
subport ld64-236 {
@@ -146,14 +137,8 @@
if {${configure.cxx_stdlib} eq "libstdc++"} {
patchfiles-append ld64-236-hash_set.patch
- if {${os.major} <= 9} {
- pre-fetch {
- ui_error "$subport is not supported on Leopard or earlier.
It requires the blocks runtime."
- error "unsupported platform"
- }
- }
subport ld64-latest {
# XCode 7.3.1
@@ -193,10 +178,14 @@
build {}
use_configure no
- variant ld64_97 conflicts ld64_127 ld64_136 ld64_236 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-97 as the default linker (last version that works on
Tiger)} {}
+ if {${os.major} < 14} {
+ variant ld64_97 conflicts ld64_127 ld64_136 ld64_236 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-97 as the default linker (last version that works on
Tiger)} {}
+ }
variant ld64_127 conflicts ld64_97 ld64_136 ld64_236 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-127 as the default linker (last version to support
ppc)} {}
- variant ld64_136 conflicts ld64_97 ld64_127 ld64_236 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-136 as the default linker (last version that works
on Leopard)} {}
- variant ld64_236 conflicts ld64_97 ld64_127 ld64_136 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-236 as the default linker (last version that builds
against OS X's libstdc++)} {}
+ if {${os.major} > 9} {
+ variant ld64_136 conflicts ld64_97 ld64_127 ld64_236 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-136 as the default linker (last version that works
on Leopard)} {}
+ variant ld64_236 conflicts ld64_97 ld64_127 ld64_136 ld64_xcode
description {Use ld64-236 as the default linker (last version that builds
against OS X's libstdc++)} {}
+ }
variant ld64_xcode conflicts ld64_97 ld64_127 ld64_136 ld64_236
description {Use ld64-xcode as the default linker (version provided by the
selected Xcode.app toolchain)} {}
if {![variant_isset ld64_97] && ![variant_isset ld64_127] &&
![variant_isset ld64_136]} {
I intentionally kept the indentation of subports to minimize the diff.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52128#comment:1>
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