[MacPorts] #53065: QGIS @2.18.0 build failure
noreply at macports.org
Tue Dec 20 02:29:06 CET 2016
#53065: QGIS @2.18.0 build failure
Reporter: BuddyVolly | Owner: Veence
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.5
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: QGIS |
Comment (by EJFielding):
I am getting the same build failure trying to update from QGIS @2.18.0
which I have been using for a while to @
I tried deactivating my qca @2.1.0_4 and activating qca @2.1.0_3+qt4
(which required deactivating qgis and qca-ossl first). Then I tried to
update qgis, but it still failed. MacPorts first reactivated qca-ossl
@2.1.0_4, but then it seems to not find the correct qcaossl files.
main.log excerpt:
:info:configure -- Found QScintilla2:
/opt/local/libexec/qt4/lib/libqscintilla2.dylib (2.9.3)
:info:configure -- Found QCA: /opt/local/lib/libqca.dylib (2.1.0)
:info:configure CMake Error at cmake/QCAMacros.cmake:64 (message):
:info:configure QCA OpenSSL plugin not found (run-time/unit-test
:info:configure Call Stack (most recent call first):
:info:configure CMakeLists.txt:327 (FIND_QCAOSSL_PLUGIN_CPP)
Is there another hint we can try?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53065#comment:5>
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