[MacPorts] #53122: gpgme : upgrade to 1.8.0 and +qt5 variant
noreply at macports.org
Wed Dec 21 15:01:48 CET 2016
#53122: gpgme : upgrade to 1.8.0 and +qt5 variant
Reporter: RJVB | Owner:
Type: update | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: haspatch upstream
Port: gpgme |
Comment (by RJVB):
Replying to [comment:9 dbevans]:
> You've changed the proposal a bit. We agreed on QGpgME (using qt5 and
depending on gpgme) as a separate port. If you want gpgme-qt5 it needs to
be a subport of gpgme to avoid confusion.
No problem. I think we'd be the only ones making a difference between
qpgme-qt5 as a subport or as a separate port, but I have already started
working on a port:qgpgme so the point is moot.
> Manually setting _DARWIN_C_SOURCE bothers me a bit but is what upstream
insists on
It also bothered me hence the alternative patch - but at least if this
does lead to unforeseen side-effects there will be reason to file a bug
report. Actually, I considered setting _DARWIN_C_LEVEL, because that's
what my string.h contains (but I'm not on my Mac right now).
What surprises me is that I've never run into this issue before. Wouldn't
_DARWIN_C_LEVEL and/or _DARWIN_C_SOURCE be set appropriately by selecting
the right C dialect using a directive? I think that would be more correct,
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53122#comment:10>
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