[MacPorts] #53151: ld64-latest: handeling tbd files
noreply at macports.org
Sat Dec 24 17:43:56 CET 2016
#53151: ld64-latest: handeling tbd files
Reporter: MarcusCalhoun-Lopez | Owner: jeremyhu@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: ld64-latest
I am currently trying to get Qt to use MacPorts clang instead of Xcode
clang so as to hopefully support older OSs for longer..[[BR]]
The linker, however, does not seem to be able to handle
instead-of-dylib tbd] files.[[BR]]
For example, the following code fails:
with the error
ld: unexpected token: !tapi-tbd-v2 file
for architecture x86_64
I have been able to workaround the problem by removing {{{-syslibroot}}}
from the linker.
The more difficult problem is when the .tbd file and dylib file are in the
same directory as in:
-weak_framework XCTest main.cxx
which produces the error
ld: unexpected token: !tapi-tbd-v2 file
for architecture x86_64
Any suggestions on a fix or workaround?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53151>
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