[MacPorts] #50578: python34 + GCC + El Capitain
noreply at macports.org
Fri Feb 12 15:07:06 PST 2016
#50578: python34 + GCC + El Capitain
Reporter: citibob@… | Owner: jwa@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.3.4
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by citibob@…):
It's looking like it's a bug in the Python distro, not MacPorts.
Python.org is likely to fix it for Python 3.5 and above, but definitely
not 3.4. Once the bug is fixed, one should be able to install with GCC on
MacPorts via by setting the CC and OBJC env variables separately when
running ./configure. I believe this can be accomplished in MacPorts via:
port install python34 configure.cc=/path/to/gcc configure.objc=clang
Things that maybe should be changed on the MacPorts side:
* Should MacPorts check for GCC and automatically switch to Clang for the
Objective-C portion (or at least complain with an error, recommending that
you try configure.objc=clang)? I suppose this is only a problem for
certain versions of GCC and OS X, and might be resolved with future
updates to GCC. So it's not clear that anything should change in
* May be MacPorts should provide a variant that disables the Objective-C
Python Launcher. I'm pretty sure the launcher is useless for my work.
There's a configure option to disable it in the Python.org distro, but
that option is not made available as a MacPorts variant.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50578#comment:2>
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