[MacPorts] #50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed May 4 13:19:59 PDT 2016

#50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0
  Reporter:  devans@…       |      Owner:  rjvbertin@…
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  VLC VLC-devel  |

Comment (by rjvbertin@…):

 I'll see if I can get this to work then, but most likely not before next

 > I would just like to request that you install this special ffmpeg
 version in a unique subdirectory in the MacPorts tree so that it doesn't
 conflict with the stable ffmpeg version.

 Well, that was exactly what I planned to do. Evidently the goal would be
 not to conflict with the "real" FFMpeg port.

 As to VLC and libVLC: I've thought about that, but you've probably seen
 that there's no way to build just libVLC. For port:libVLC I just delete
 everything not related to the library in the post-destroot. There also is
 no way to build the rest VLC against an existing libVLC, so basically we'd
 be looking at a port which builds everything twice, and then throws away a
 considerable part of each build. That's not so much of an issue for the
 build bots, but with a port that has so many options there must be more
 than a few users even with the /opt/local prefix who end up building from

 In case it isn't clear: port:VLC does provide libVLC, so a dependency on
 that library can be satisfied by either port:libVLC or port:VLC .

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50697#comment:13>
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