[MacPorts] #50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Wed May 4 15:52:43 PDT 2016

#50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0
  Reporter:  devans@…       |      Owner:  rjvbertin@…
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  VLC VLC-devel  |

Comment (by devans@…):

 Replying to [comment:13 rjvbertin@…]:
 > I'll see if I can get this to work then, but most likely not before next
 week (and without the libgsm dependency at first).

 That should work.  I'll be out of the country on holiday for a month
 beginning the last week in May so I was hoping to get the ffmpeg 3.0.2
 update out early next week to allow time for any issues to settle before I
 take off.

 > > I would just like to request that you install this special ffmpeg
 version in a unique subdirectory in the MacPorts tree so that it doesn't
 conflict with the stable ffmpeg version.
 > Well, that was exactly what I planned to do. Evidently the goal would be
 not to conflict with the "real" FFMpeg port.


 > As to VLC and libVLC: I've thought about that, but you've probably seen
 that there's no way to build just libVLC. For port:libVLC I just delete
 everything not related to the library in the post-destroot. There also is
 no way to build the rest VLC against an existing libVLC, so basically we'd
 be looking at a port which builds everything twice, and then throws away a
 considerable part of each build. That's not so much of an issue for the
 build bots, but with a port that has so many options there must be more
 than a few users even with the /opt/local prefix who end up building from
 > In case it isn't clear: port:VLC does provide libVLC, so a dependency on
 that library can be satisfied by either port:libVLC or port:VLC .

 Of course, no problem.  What about VLC-devel?  It's currently unmaintained
 and I'm not sure of it's value.  Are you planning on updating it to the
 latest git master?  The version you submitted in #47313 got lost in the
 shuffle, is out of date and should probably match whatever you're planning
 for VLC in structure. Or can we just nuke it?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50697#comment:14>
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