[MacPorts] #50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu May 5 13:19:27 PDT 2016

#50697: VLC @2.2.2: build fails when using recently released ffmpeg-3.0
  Reporter:  devans@…       |      Owner:  rjvbertin@…
      Type:  defect         |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal         |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports          |    Version:
Resolution:                 |   Keywords:
      Port:  VLC VLC-devel  |

Comment (by devans@…):

 I just mentioned it because that is what upstream is coding to in the
 2.2.* series so, from their point of view, you might have a right to ask
 for fixes, etc if you used it.  As you say, the 2.8.6 version works fine
 if you override their version checks during configuration.  Use probably
 would see more deprecation warnings with it but you also probably won't
 see the use of any new API introduced by it because they're working with
 2.7.  But we know what the issues are with using 2.8.6 are already.

 It would make more difference if you were working with a newly released
 3.0 for instance.  In that case, to make life easier, I would advise
 sticking with whatever version they are using as their reference and not
 change it until they do.

 I guess you're thinking that it would be easier to download a release
 tarball than a git commit but then you can always get a tarball for
 anything using the github ffmpeg mirror as I'm doing with ffmpeg-devel.  I
 wouldn't use git to fetch as they do.

 So I'd say pick something that works now but try to stay with their
 reference in the future.  Make it easy on yourself.  But don't expect help
 from upstream unless you do it their way.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/50697#comment:18>
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