[MacPorts] #51416: libcaca @0.99.beta19: Checksum (rmd160 / sha256) mismatch (was: Checksum (rmd160 / sha256) mismatch for libcaca-0.99.beta19.tar.gz)

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Tue May 17 06:07:52 PDT 2016

#51416: libcaca @0.99.beta19: Checksum (rmd160 / sha256) mismatch
  Reporter:  diochnos@…  |      Owner:  ryandesign@…
      Type:  defect      |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal      |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports       |    Version:  2.3.4
Resolution:              |   Keywords:
      Port:  libcaca     |
Changes (by ryandesign@…):

 * owner:  macports-tickets@… => ryandesign@…
 * status:  new => assigned


 The port was changed in r146011 to use the github portgroup, and thus to
 download an automatically-generated tarball from GitHub, instead of the
 previous manually-generated tarball hosted on the project's web server.
 Since these are two different files with different contents, they have
 different checksums. This was an improper change. I'll try to put things

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/51416#comment:2>
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