[MacPorts] #51499: Propose --follow-dependents

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu May 26 07:44:00 PDT 2016

#51499: Propose --follow-dependents
 Reporter:  lionteeth@…           |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
     Type:  enhancement           |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal                |  Milestone:
Component:  base                  |    Version:  2.3.4
 Keywords:  uninstall dependents  |       Port:
 When an uninstall command fails because of dependents, the user is
 prompted to uninstall the dependents first:

 # port uninstall gimp2 @2.8.2_2+help_browser+python27
 --->  Unable to uninstall gimp2 @2.8.2_2+help_browser+python27, the
 following ports depend on it:
 --->    gimp-app @2.8.0_0
 --->    gimp-app @2.8.2_0
 --->    gimp-gap @2.6.0_5
 --->    gimp-jp2 @2.2.0_4
 --->    gimp-jp2 @2.2.0_5
 --->    gimp-lqr-plugin @0.7.1_1
 --->    gutenprint @5.2.7_0
 --->    gutenprint @5.2.7_1
 --->    icns-gimp @0.1_1
 --->    ufraw @0.18_2
 --->    xsane @0.998_0
 --->    xsane @0.998_1
 Error: org.macports.uninstall for port gimp2 returned: Please uninstall
 the ports that depend on gimp2 first.

 When this error is triggered, could the feedback add,

 Please uninstall the ports that depend on gimp2 first, or use uninstall

 You wrote the code, tell people about it, make everybody happy.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/51499>
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