[MacPorts] #51511: Fetch failures for kdenlive

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun May 29 02:46:15 PDT 2016

#51511: Fetch failures for kdenlive
 Reporter:  bouhier.c@…  |      Owner:  macports-tickets@…
     Type:  defect       |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.3.4
 Keywords:               |       Port:

 I am trying to install kdenlive on a Mac / OSX running El-capitan.
 (version 10.11.4).
 port fails to get the dependencies, but when I install them separately
 (one by one) it works.

 For example fetching llvm-3.3 [1], so it seems host names can't be
 Installing the dependency by hand works fine. (sudo port install

 What could be the issue? (DNS related it seems).
 Thx Christophe

 :notice:fetch --->  Fetching distfiles for llvm-3.3
 :debug:fetch Executing org.macports.fetch (llvm-3.3)
 :info:fetch --->  llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for llvm.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for aarnet.au.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for cjj.kr.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for fco.it.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for her.gr.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for jnb.za.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for jog.id.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for lil.fr.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for mse.uk.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for nou.nc.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for nue.de.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for osl.no.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for sea.us.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :debug:fetch Spawning ping for ykf.ca.distfiles.macports.org failed
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host: llvm.org
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host:
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host:
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host:
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host:
 :notice:fetch --->  Attempting to fetch llvm-3.3.src.tar.gz from
 :debug:fetch Fetching distfile failed: Could not resolve host:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/51511>
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