[MacPorts] #52530: conditional PortGroup include
noreply at macports.org
Thu Oct 6 23:03:22 CEST 2016
#52530: conditional PortGroup include
Reporter: rjvbertin@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: request | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version:
Keywords: haspatch | Port:
I am using portgroups for a number of features that are unlikely ever to
be included officially, in ports and portgroups that themselves should be
Rather than maintaining a local and a submitted version, it'd be nice to
have a conditional PortGroup command which doesn't print a warning when
the requested file doesn't exist. Something like
proc PortGroup {group version {test ""}} {
global porturl PortInfo _portgroup_search_dirs
lappend PortInfo(portgroups) [list $group $version]
if {[info exists _portgroup_search_dirs]} {
foreach dir $_portgroup_search_dirs {
set groupFile ${dir}/${group}-${version}.tcl
if {[file exists $groupFile]} {
uplevel "source $groupFile"
ui_debug "Sourcing PortGroup $group $version from
set groupFile [getportresourcepath $porturl
if {[file exists $groupFile]} {
uplevel "source $groupFile"
ui_debug "Sourcing PortGroup $group $version from $groupFile"
} else {
if {$test eq ""} {
ui_warn "PortGroup ${group} ${version} could not be located.
${group}-${version}.tcl does not exist."
} else {
ui_debug "PortGroup ${group} ${version} could not be located.
${group}-${version}.tcl does not exist."
BTW, I notice that a missing PortGroup is never an error according to this
procedure (copied from portutil.tcl). Shouldn't ports be able to raise an
error if one doesn't exist (think the Qt5, cmake, qmake, KDE4, KF5
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52530>
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