[MacPorts] #52198: sshuttle - where transparent proxy meets VPN meets ssh
noreply at macports.org
Wed Oct 12 22:03:19 CEST 2016
#52198: sshuttle - where transparent proxy meets VPN meets ssh
Reporter: iamsudo@… | Owner: macports-tickets@…
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: sshuttle |
Comment (by ryandesign@…):
Replying to [comment:3 ken.cunningham.webuse@…]:
> There are a couple of idiosyncracies with this one. It uses an unusual
build system. For some reason that I have not yet been able to debug,
there is noticeable pause between the build phase and the destroot phase
-- the build system is doing something, but I can't figure out what it is.
It seems to be waiting for some command to finish, and then times out. So
don't be too impatient with it -- it seems to always finish.
This would be nice to fix but is not a showstopper.
> I should specify that it should use python27 for building somewhere in
the portfile. I asked it to install python27 versions of the dependencies
it requires. The build script appears to just 'shebang' python, so perhaps
the best way I could add that would be to set a build environment variable
to python27.
Yes, you must somehow inform the build system that it must use MacPorts
Instead of hardcoding `27` in the python dependencies, use the
`python.version` variable so that, if you later change the python version,
you only have to do so on the `python.default_version` line instead of in
multiple places.
You should remove the `name` and `homepage` lines; the `github.setup` line
sets those for you.
Instead of setting `destroot.cmd` to `/usr/bin/true` and then defining a
`post-destroot` block, just define a `destroot` block.
Why are you specifying commit 29d2e06bf5cd3d575015e23c638ca9e5a10ee29c
instead of using the 0.61 tag?
You define an `appname` variable, but then don't use it in `notes`.
When you want a newline in `notes`, usually you should just type an actual
newline (i.e. press the return key on your keyboard), rather than using a
`\` line continuation and a `\n` newline.
There should not be two newlines at the beginning of `notes`.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52198#comment:9>
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