[MacPorts] #53450: xorg-server @1.18.4_1 Error: Failed to build xorg-server: command execution failed
noreply at macports.org
Thu Feb 2 01:00:14 UTC 2017
#53450: xorg-server @1.18.4_1 Error: Failed to build xorg-server: command execution
Reporter: tapfeifer | Owner: jeremyhu
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.4.0
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: xorg-server |
Comment (by tapfeifer):
I have resolved this issue by doing the following:
1. Executed command {{{ rm -rf /Applications/Xcode.app }}} using
Terminal deleted /Applications/Xcode.app
2. Executed command {{{ rm -rf /Library/Developer }}} using Terminal
deleted /Library/Developer using Terminal
3. Rebooted MacBook Pro to clear any caches and reset all temp
directories along with swap file
4. Opened AppStore and installed Xcode
5. Executed command {{{ xcode-select --install }}} using Terminal to
install command line tools after Xcode was finished installing
6. Executed command {{{ xcode-select -p }}} using Terminal verified the
correct settings in Xcode to ensure it is
7. Executed command {{{ sudo port clean --all xorg-server }}} using
Terminal to ensure the system was clean before attempting to install
8. Executed command {{{ sudo port install xorg-server }}} using Terminal
and the entire app was installed without error.
This exercise in macOS apps is highly dependent on ensuring that Xcode
goes through its entire install process. There are hidden config files or
environment variables or other hidden items that are set up when Xcode is
installed. Even though I was able to successfully execute the Xcode app,
there was something behind the scenes going on an no errors were being
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53450#comment:6>
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