[MacPorts] #52424: Ports that depend on old llvm versions should be updated
noreply at macports.org
Tue Feb 14 10:10:06 UTC 2017
#52424: Ports that depend on old llvm versions should be updated
Reporter: mf2k | Owner: macports-
| tickets@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: faust2-devel ghc julia pure py- |
llvmlite py-llvmpy |
Comment (by geekosaur):
Urgh. So someone patched ghc to use a later LLVM. This broke it.
ghc has a hard dependency on specific LLVM versions, because the LLVM IR
it generates needs specific annotations for LLVM to understand it and
these annotations change with every release. If you want ghc to support a
later LLVM, you must upgrade ghc to a version that supports generating
compatible LLVM IR for that release.
Please either revert the ghc update or upgrade ghc. (ghc 8.0.2 supports
LLVM 3.7. I do not know what version 8.2.1 will support when it is
released, but possibly it will include its own LLVM; if it does, *please*
do not be Debian and force it to use a MacPorts-installed LLVM unless you
are willing to rewrite ghc's LLVM support including its generation of LLVM
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52424#comment:27>
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