[MacPorts] #53449: cctools 895 breaks port:audacity build
noreply at macports.org
Tue Jan 31 20:18:14 UTC 2017
#53449: cctools 895 breaks port:audacity build
Reporter: RJVB | Owner: jeremyhu
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: cctools |
Comment (by RJVB):
OK, so the underlying error comes from the way Audacity builds liblv2.a:
function waf
pushd >/dev/null ${pkg}
/opt/local/bin/python2.7 waf --prefix="." --include="." $@ build ||
exit 1
popd >/dev/null
. .buildvars
if [ -e ${pkg}/build/*.a ]
mkdir -p obj
pushd obj
ar vx ../${pkg}/build/*.a
ar vq ../liblv2.a *
rm -rf obj
[ -e liblv2.a ] && exit 0
waf lv2 -vvv --no-plugins
waf serd -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf sord -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf sratom -vvv --static --no-shared
waf lilv -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf suil -vvv --static --no-shared --no-qt
IOW, different "modules" are built, and if that produces a static lib it
is unpacked in a temp. directory, and the archive elements are added in
cumulative fashion to liblv2.a . The first step succeeds, but subsequent
steps fail in the ranlib stage (possibly because the temp. directory also
contains a file with the symbol table?).
Curiously, this took me back in time to an similar issue I had with one of
my own projects, and which I solved by using a different approach which
also works here:
function waf
pushd >/dev/null ${pkg}
/opt/local/bin/python2.7 waf --prefix="." --include="." $@ build ||
exit 1
popd >/dev/null
. .buildvars
if [ -e ${pkg}/build/*.a ]
mkdir -p obj.${pkg}
pushd obj.${pkg}
ar vx ../${pkg}/build/*.a
[ -e liblv2.a ] && exit 0
waf lv2 -vvv --no-plugins
waf serd -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf sord -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf sratom -vvv --static --no-shared
waf lilv -vvv --static --no-shared --no-utils
waf suil -vvv --static --no-shared --no-qt
# now create liblv2.a in a single call
libtool -static -o liblv2.a obj.serd/*.o obj.sord/*.o obj.sratom/*.o
obj.lilv/*.o obj.suil/*.o
ar -sv liblv2.a
IOW, unpack the intermediate archives into dedicated directories (they'll
contain files with the same names) and then use `libtool -static -o` to
create the definitive archive.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/53449#comment:3>
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