[MacPorts] #54129: llvm-4.0 build fails due to libtool error on SnowLeopard when built with clang-3.9, but succeeds when built with clang-3.7
noreply at macports.org
Mon Jun 19 11:45:50 UTC 2017
#54129: llvm-4.0 build fails due to libtool error on SnowLeopard when built with
clang-3.9, but succeeds when built with clang-3.7
Reporter: kencu | Owner: jeremyhu
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: llvm-4.0 |
Comment (by ballapete):
Replying to [comment:10 kencu]:
> Your build attempt is somehow still calling `/Developer/usr/bin/libtool`
as you can see, which does not work to link object files built with
clang-3.9 on 10.6 as it's too old.
-- Found libtool - /Developer/usr/bin/libtool
> The fix I suggested above changes that to `/opt/local/bin/libtool` from
cctools, which does work. Please check that bit carefully in the llvm-4.0
build file you edited and see if you altered it correctly. Or as I said in
your other ticket, just check out my SnowLeopardPorts repo where it is all
done for you.
< if {[vercmp $xcodeversion "4.3"] < 0} {
> if {[vercmp $xcodeversion "6.0.0"] < 0} {
< configure.args-append \
< -DCMAKE_LIBTOOL=${prefix}/bin/libtool
Or did I miss the proper `build file`?
> I would submit a PR for this for the main MacPorts repo, but Jeremy
understands bootstrapping dependencies much better than I do. Obviously he
is very busy these days.
Apple® hardware has a long life…
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54129#comment:11>
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