[MacPorts] #52516: sundials @2.6.2_1: update to 2.7.0, add +fcmix
noreply at macports.org
Mon Nov 13 16:12:48 UTC 2017
#52516: sundials @2.6.2_1: update to 2.7.0, add +fcmix
Reporter: jjstickel | Owner: seanfarley
Type: update | Status: closed
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: fixed | Keywords: haspatch
Port: sundials |
Comment (by MarcusCalhoun-Lopez):
Replying to [comment:6 jjstickel]:
> Marcus, it looks like you ignored my patch that added the fcmix variant
(and resolved a bug with the documentation install). Hence, the ticket
should not be closed.
{{{-DFCMIX_ENABLE=ON}}} was added in [https://github.com/macports
7add85fab088cd80b9be5d97203c534c another patch].[[BR]]
It is set in the [https://github.com/macports/macports-
example variant].
The logic was that if you want the examples, you get the fcmix.[[BR]]
If you do not want the examples, the fcmix doesn't do anything anyway.
So can this ticket remain closed?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52516#comment:7>
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