[MacPorts] #55371: mplayer-devel @37869_2: Opportunistic linking to various packages
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 21 13:08:00 UTC 2017
#55371: mplayer-devel @37869_2: Opportunistic linking to various packages
Reporter: p-bro | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Low | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: mplayer-devel
The mplayer-devel package in its current version opportunistically links
to libraries present at build time, which are not formal dependencies.
When the packages are later removed, this breaks the mplayer-devel
On one of my machines, port rev-update finds the following libraries
* /opt/local/lib/libdvdnav.4.dylib
* /opt/local/lib/librtmp.1.dylib
* /opt/local/lib/libfaad.2.dylib
* /opt/local/lib/libdca.0.dylib
* /opt/local/lib/libmpg123.0.dylib
* /opt/local/lib/libdvdread.4.dylib
These libraries are provided by libdvdnav, rtmpdump, faad2, libdca,
mpg123, libdvdread, none of which are in the dependency list. Those
packages were present when building mplayer-devel for the first time, but
have since been removed. This opportunistic linking causes mplayer-devel
to break. As I did not do any systematic trialling I cannot guarantee that
this list is complete - there may be other libraries that are
opportunistically linked, but which I did not attempt to remove.
According to Rainer Müller on macports-dev list (2017-11-21 11:57:47
"The configure instructions in the Portfile need to written such
that the port only uses libraries that are explicitly listed in the
dependencies. Most configure scripts will just try to link with all
libraries that are available, but something like 'configures.args
--disable-foo' should prevent the linking with the library.
"In case of mplayer-devel, it looks like the port is supposed to
link with the checked out version of libdvdnav and libdvdread. However,
nothing in the Portfile or configure script seems to use that at all, so
it gets the system libraries via pkg-config instead.
"For the others, it just looks like the corresponding --disable-foo
flags and variants are missing."
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55371>
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