[MacPorts] #55365: ttfautohint @1.7: new port
noreply at macports.org
Tue Nov 21 19:02:01 UTC 2017
#55365: ttfautohint @1.7: new port
Reporter: tuffnatty | Owner:
Type: submission | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.4.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ttfautohint |
Comment (by tuffnatty):
Replying to [comment:7 mf2k]:
> > Is it an official recommendation? I don't see it in docs. And I
believe that we must provide all possible build options when it is not too
hard to support them. I already gave an example where a qt4 variant may be
> Recommendation: yes, requirement: no. The docs could be updated. And who
would support them in this case? This proposed port is {{{nomaintainer}}}.
More options requires more support. We are definitely short-staffed on
this all-volunteer project.
I'd volunteer to maintain this port if I had the needed access privileges.
> Are you saying a dependency of ttfautohint has a qt4 variant? I looked
at the ones in the Portfile but they don't directly have it. Yes, that
would be a good reason.
No I did not mean it. I said that someone who already has qt4 installed
for some reason and does not want to bloat the system with qt5 as well,
can use +qt4 variant for ttfautohint. If there is no +qt4 variant, one
will not have this option. That's all.
As for myself, I don't need the GUI at all, CLI is enough for me. However,
one of the things that worries me in contemporary software development is
a tendency to drop useful features without a strong reason, when
supporting them is easy enough.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55365#comment:8>
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