[MacPorts] #55382: cmake @3.10.0: Cannot find a C++ compiler supporting C++11 on this system
noreply at macports.org
Fri Nov 24 20:40:33 UTC 2017
#55382: cmake @3.10.0: Cannot find a C++ compiler supporting C++11 on this system
Reporter: ryandesign | Owner: michaelld
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: High | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords: tiger leopard snowleopard lion
Port: cmake | mountainlion
Comment (by kencu):
Replying to [comment:11 ryandesign]:
> Perhaps you're now understanding why we previously reached the
conclusion that C++11 on libstdc++ systems isn't workable?
Ryan, I did understand it -- but I also can understand that Michael is
not too keen to stop cmake progress for the sake of older systems and I
was just trying to help out a bit here as I have all these systems
I was not surprised to see Michael press on with cmake newer releases.
Other package management systems proceed apace with cmake releases.
Without dealing with the issue, we'd be stuck on 3.9 forever, so we might
as well sort it out.
> There is no "buildbot stdlib thing" to fix.
The steps you outlined are what I was referring to.
It would seem that having a cmake-3.9 pegged cmake port (choose your name
- cmake-legacy, cmake-3.9, cmake39, whatever seems popular enough) is
trivial to do. It would have to conflict with cmake and cmake-devel, and
would not need to coexist. It would fulfill the `bin/cmake` build
dependency outlined in the current cmake PortGroup, so no big issue there.
Somehow have to force that cmake39 version on systems without cmake
installed if they try to install something that needs cmake. That would be
easy enough to do in the cmake PortGroup, with a system test:
# can use cmake or cmake-devel; default to cmake if not installed
if ${os.version} > 12 {
depends_build-append path:bin/cmake:cmake
} else {
depends_build-append path:bin/cmake:cmake39
Then - this is what I don't know how to do - someday perhaps automatically
have that cmake39 replace itself with cmake once a suitable version of
clang is installed. That might have to be a manual step, unless someone
sees trickery that could do it.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55382#comment:12>
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