[MacPorts] #55049: textmate2 @2.0-rc.4: build fails under highsierra (10.13) with error: no viable conversion from
noreply at macports.org
Sun Nov 26 15:26:57 UTC 2017
#55049: textmate2 @2.0-rc.4: build fails under highsierra (10.13) with error: no
viable conversion from
Reporter: hardwhack | Owner: neverpanic
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.4.1
Resolution: | Keywords: sierra highsierra
Port: textmate2 |
Comment (by sierkb):
The port file referrs with ''livecheck.url
https://api.textmate.org/releases/release/version'' to the (outdated?)
textmate website, which indeed says: 2.0-rc.4, so the port's version of
textmate sticks to date to that version.
But: the textmate project's upstream info on its GitHub repository on
https://github.com/textmate/textmate/releases says other: latest upstream
release version obviously is not RC4 (release date: 18 Nov 2016) but at
least RC7 (release date: 5 Dec 2016). Or further, since there is active
code commitment every now and then in the master branch (see
https://github.com/textmate/textmate/commits/master, the latest commit is
only 11 days ago from today).
Should the MacPort's port of textmate not point to at least that RC7
version code (or maybe better to master, which seems indeed very alive)
rather than sticking to the obviously obsolete RC4 (for whatever reason
that version has been left on
https://api.textmate.org/releases/release/version instead of reflecting
the actual state as its repository on GitHub)?
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55049#comment:3>
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