[MacPorts] #54970: problem with qutip installation under Sierra
noreply at macports.org
Mon Oct 2 16:20:37 UTC 2017
#54970: problem with qutip installation under Sierra
Reporter: nico154 | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.4.1
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: py-qutip |
Changes (by mf2k):
* keywords: qutip, python =>
* port: py27-qutip => py-qutip
Old description:
> Hi there,
> I am getting the following error message while attempting to install
> py27-qutip.
> $ sudo port install py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Computing dependencies for py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Fetching archive for py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
> from https://packages.macports.org/py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
> from http://nue.de.packages.macports.org/py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
> from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Fetching distfiles for py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Verifying checksums for py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Extracting py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Configuring py27-qutip [[BR]]
> ---> Building py27-qutip [[BR]]
> Error: Failed to build py27-qutip: command execution failed [[BR]]
> Error: See
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports
> .org_release_tarballs_ports_python_py-qutip/py27-qutip/main.log for
> details. [[BR]]
> Error: Follow https://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets to report a
> bug. [[BR]]
> Error: Processing of port py27-qutip failed
New description:
Hi there,
I am getting the following error message while attempting to install
$ sudo port install py27-qutip
---> Computing dependencies for py27-qutip
---> Fetching archive for py27-qutip
---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
from https://packages.macports.org/py27-qutip
---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
from http://nue.de.packages.macports.org/py27-qutip
---> Attempting to fetch py27-qutip-3.1.0_0+gcc6.darwin_16.x86_64.tbz2
from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/py27-qutip
---> Fetching distfiles for py27-qutip
---> Verifying checksums for py27-qutip
---> Extracting py27-qutip
---> Configuring py27-qutip
---> Building py27-qutip
Error: Failed to build py27-qutip: command execution failed
Error: See
.org_release_tarballs_ports_python_py-qutip/py27-qutip/main.log for
Error: Follow https://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets to report a bug.
Error: Processing of port py27-qutip failed
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54970#comment:2>
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