[MacPorts] #55089: Make "port requested" an alias for "port installed requested"
noreply at macports.org
Sat Oct 14 08:09:34 UTC 2017
#55089: Make "port requested" an alias for "port installed requested"
Reporter: ryandesign | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: base | Version:
Keywords: | Port:
This aside from #55085 deserves its own ticket:
Replying to [ticket:55085 paulp]:
> As an aside, on the theory that '''setunrequested''' being an alias for
'''unsetrequested''' sets a pretty low bar for alias urgency, perhaps we
could trim '''port installed requested''' down to '''port requested'''.
The ability to distinguish requested ports from incidental dependencies is
in my estimation the biggest advantage of macports over homebrew, and it
would be even more so with a new coat of paint. Burying it as a postfix
adjective doesn't show it off to best advantage. Especially since they
probably found it by typing '''port list requested''' and being instructed
they should have typed a different command, while it slooooooowly
generates approximately the same output.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55089>
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