[MacPorts] #54839: Checksum mismatches for generated tarballs from GitHub
noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 20 20:57:10 UTC 2017
#54839: Checksum mismatches for generated tarballs from GitHub
Reporter: raimue | Owner:
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: ALPSCore DepreciateForLedger |
GTDtoCSV Gyoto HermesApp Io LedgerScheduler |
LucenePlusPlus MongoHub OpenCoarrays |
QLStephen ShiftIt apbs box2d cgminer chapel |
coffee-script cot csvToLedger cusp docker |
docker-machine elixir expense.txt faust-devel |
faust2-devel fbthrift gst-plugins-cairovis |
htcondor hub jake just keybase keybinder |
keybinder-3.0 kops libcdata libcdatetime |
libcerror libcfile libclocale libcnotify |
libcsplit libcthreads libewf libphonenumber- |
cpp litecoin lua-cgilua lua-rings lua-wsapi |
lua-xavante mame meson mogenerator mongo-cxx- |
driver mongo-tools mongrel2 mosesdecoder |
myrepos mythtv-core.25 mythtv-core.26 nu2 |
ocaml-async-core pear-TCPDF pficommon phoenix |
phpsh povray qgis qoauth racer rclone rekall |
root5 scm_breeze subsurface synergy tDOM |
teleport texworks tidyp time.txt tpkg uzbl |
webkit-sharp xctool xmlroff zorba |
Comment (by ctreleaven):
In [changeset:"aabf04dc178a3c445472383a47446ffecb4d7aab/macports-ports"
#!ConfigurableCommitTicketReference repository="macports-ports"
mythtv-core.28: update to fixes as of 2017-10-10
see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54839
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54839#comment:37>
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