[MacPorts] #54247: buildbot buildmaster is sometimes very slow to respond
noreply at macports.org
Fri Oct 27 11:52:48 UTC 2017
#54247: buildbot buildmaster is sometimes very slow to respond
Reporter: ryandesign | Owner: admin@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: server/hosting | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by ryandesign):
Replying to [ticket:54247 ryandesign]:
> The server does have an unused Apple SSD. I could try moving the
buildmaster folder to the SSD; that would be fairly easy to do and would
let us know whether disk speed is a factor. Another option is to move the
entire OS and everything except the rsync directory to the SSD. That's
more difficult to do and will involve more downtime, and the reason I
hadn't done so initially is that I wanted the assurance of a RAID for our
critical infrastructure.
By running a disk speed test while the server is idle, and again while the
server is doing nothing other than upgrading ports using binaries, I'm
convinced the main problem is drastic disk speed issues during concurrent
disk access. I'll be moving everything except the rsync data to the SSD,
which should make most tasks on the server much faster. I need to rewrite
the launchd plists and configuration files to anticipate the path to the
rsync data changing.
> Some parts of macOS Server, such as the Caching Server, also seem
particularly unhappy about storing their data on a disk that is not the
startup volume, and default back to storing their data on the startup
volume after a restart. But the caching service uses less disk space than
I had anticipated so there should be room to store that data on the SSD.
Caching Server is no longer part of Server now and is part of High Sierra,
so I'll be moving that service from the buildmaster to a VM running High
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54247#comment:2>
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