[MacPorts] #56280: cxx11 1.1 portgroup unexpected restriction on portfile ability to override configure.optflags
noreply at macports.org
Thu Apr 12 18:10:03 UTC 2018
#56280: cxx11 1.1 portgroup unexpected restriction on portfile ability to override
Reporter: ryandesign | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port:
Portfile authors expect to be able to override `configure.optflags` in
their ports, such as:
configure.optflags -O3
`configure.optflags` is part of the default values of other options like
`configure.cflags`, `configure.cxxflags`, `configure.objcflags`, and
`configure.objcxxflags`. MacPorts evaluates options lazily, so any other
options referenced within the default values of `configure.cflags`,
`configure.cxxflags`, `configure.objcflags`, and `configure.objcxxflags`
aren't evaluated until the first time they're used.
An unexpected problem occurs if the port includes the cxx11 1.1 portgroup,
because on OS X 10.8 and earlier when using libstdc++, the portgroup
accesses `configure.cxxflags` and `configure.objcxxflags`. This causes the
lazy evaluation to occur at that moment, and the value of
`configure.optflags` at that moment is what ends up in those options. It
is customary to include portgroups at the top of a portfile, and it is
customary to set configure-phase options near the middle or bottom of the
portfile, after fetch-, extract- and patch-phase options, and after the
options that define the port name, version, descriptions, distfiles,
checksums, and so forth. If a portfile author follows these customs, the
cxx11 1.1 portgroup would have been included before the value of
`configure.optflags` was changed, and the result is that the new
optimization flags only take effect for non-C++ code since the C++ flag
variables have already been evaluated by the portgroup.
Maybe the portgroup can be changed so that this problem does not occur.
Until then, a workaround the portfile author can use is to change
`configure.optflags` before including the cxx11 1.1 portgroup.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56280>
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