[MacPorts] #56287: Remove py-bob and their modules from macports

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Apr 13 14:12:01 UTC 2018

#56287: Remove py-bob and their modules from macports
  Reporter:  tiagofrepereira2012  |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  request              |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal               |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                |    Version:
Resolution:                       |   Keywords:
      Port:  py-bob               |

Comment (by mojca):

 Just to explain: if you no longer wish to maintain these ports, this
 doesn't have to be the reason to delete the ports, other users might still
 find them useful. Having ten different package managers installed on
 computer is usually a recipe for disaster, and conda cannot serve as a
 complete replacement for MacPorts just yet. Using conda is fine for users
 who would have to install MacPorts just for the sake of using your
 packages, but not for existing users who needs lots of other software from

 That said, giving impression of MacPorts providing those packages, while
 in fact providing outdated and broken Portfiles, doesn't really serve
 anyone, and it causes lots of broken builds on our buildbot as well.

 There are two possible ways to proceed:
 * delete the packages (I still miss some kind of graveyard section of
 easy-to-find broken packages that can be picked up and improved by users
 who might need them)
 * someone (not necessarily you) tries to bring those packages up to date,
 so that they can still serve MacPorts users, even if you recommend a
 different installation path

 I would not be happy to provide outdated/broken packages for another two
 years. Updating them usually doesn't mean a prohibitive amount of work.
 This one time one would need to update a bit more bits and pieces because
 the upstream sources have been moved. But after that it's usually just a
 matter of changing the version number and checksums which can be
 accomplished trivially.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56287#comment:1>
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