[MacPorts] #55264: libressl @2.5.5: update to 2.6.4

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Sun Apr 22 09:32:31 UTC 2018

#55264: libressl @2.5.5: update to 2.6.4
  Reporter:  l2dy      |      Owner:  jeremyhu
      Type:  update    |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal    |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports     |    Version:
Resolution:            |   Keywords:
      Port:  libressl  |

Comment (by janstary):

 If we do upgrade, the dependent ports need to be rebuilt, obviously.
 But that's imho a very weak reason not to upgrade. There are ports
 that can drop their OpenSSl/LibreSSL patch now. Isn't that the issue we
 have with LibreSSL in general?

 The fact that we have not yet figured out the right way for OpenSSL,
 LibreSSL, WolfSSL etc to coexist
 in general is not a reason to not upgrade: we are no worse off in that
 regard with 2.7.2 than 2.5.5
 (or any other version of any of the others, for that matter).

 As for the libressl and libressl-devel: LibreSSL itself makes no
 distinction between a "stable release"
 or a "devel releaae". That's entirely ours (i.e. Jeremy's :-). I undrstand
 the desire to have the "bleeding edge" separated,
 so that you can install either the latest or the previous (typically). But
 our libressl is 2.5.5 and our libressl-devel is 2.6.2;
 that is, they are both behind.

 (Personaly, I would only have one libressl port; people can test the new
 on a PR branch,
 as opposed to having a separate port installed.)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/55264#comment:10>
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