[MacPorts] #57827: [Port Abandoned] Ports maintained by pixilla

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Fri Dec 28 19:23:00 UTC 2018

#57827: [Port Abandoned] Ports maintained by pixilla
  Reporter:  mf2k                                |      Owner:  pixilla
      Type:  defect                              |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  Normal                              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                               |    Version:
Resolution:                                      |   Keywords:
      Port:  amavisd-new apache2 clamav-server   |
  csvdb dbslayer dovecot2 dovecot2-antispam      |
  dovecot2-sieve dspam GeoLiteCity hiredis       |
  iselect kmymoney4 kmymoney4-devel libalkimia   |
  libgeoip liblrdf librsvg libzdb-mariadb        |
  libzdb-mysql51 libzdb-mysql55 libzdb-mysql56   |
  libzdb-oracle libzdb-percona libzdb-           |
  postgresql80 libzdb-postgresql81 libzdb-       |
  postgresql82 libzdb-postgresql83 libzdb-       |
  postgresql84 libzdb-postgresql90 libzdb-       |
  postgresql91 libzdb-postgresql92 libzdb-       |
  sqlite3 logrotate makeicns mariadb             |
  mariadb-10.0 mariadb-10.1 mariadb-10.2         |
  mariadb-lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4 mariadb-           |
  lib_mysqludf_json mariadb-lib_mysqludf_preg    |
  mariadb-lib_mysqludf_xql memtester mod_fcgid   |
  mod_security2 mysql-connector-odbc mysql5      |
  mysql5-lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4                     |
  mysql5-lib_mysqludf_json                       |
  mysql5-lib_mysqludf_preg                       |
  mysql5-lib_mysqludf_xql mysql51                |
  mysql51-lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4                    |
  mysql51-lib_mysqludf_json                      |
  mysql51-lib_mysqludf_preg                      |
  mysql51-lib_mysqludf_xql mysql55 mysql55       |
  -connector-cpp mysql55-lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4     |
  mysql55-lib_mysqludf_json                      |
  mysql55-lib_mysqludf_preg                      |
  mysql55-lib_mysqludf_xql mysql56               |
  mysql56-lib_mysqludf_preg mysql57 opendkim p5  |
  -file-readbackwards p5-io p5-io-socket-inet6   |
  p5-lwp-attic p5-www-urltoys pear-install-phar  |
  percona percona-lib_mysqludf_fPROJ4 percona-   |
  lib_mysqludf_json percona-lib_mysqludf_preg    |
  percona-lib_mysqludf_xql percona-server        |
  percona-toolkit php-igbinary php-uuid          |
  postfinger pure-ftpd py-awscli py-bcdoc py-    |
  botocore py-jmespath py-jmespath-terminal py-  |
  rsa py-s3transfer qt4-mac-mariadb-10.0-plugin  |
  qt4-mac-mariadb-10.1-plugin qt4-mac-mariadb-   |
  plugin qt4-mac-mysql5-plugin qt4-mac-          |
  mysql51-plugin qt4-mac-mysql55-plugin qt4      |
  -mac-mysql56-plugin qt4-mac-percona-plugin     |
  qt4-mac-postgresql80-plugin qt4-mac-           |
  postgresql81-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql82-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql83-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql84-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql90-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql91-plugin qt4-mac-                   |
  postgresql92-plugin qt4-mac-sqlite2-plugin     |
  qt4-mac-sqlite3-plugin raptor2 rasqal rbldnsd  |
  redland rspamd scotch skrooge soprano sqlgrey  |
  sqlmap sshguard                                |

Comment (by mf2k):

 @pixilla: Please let us know if you still are able to maintain your ports.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/57827#comment:1>
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