[MacPorts] #54744: coexistence of libressl, libressl-devel, openssl, boringssl, etc.
noreply at macports.org
Fri Jan 12 23:22:50 UTC 2018
#54744: coexistence of libressl, libressl-devel, openssl, boringssl, etc.
Reporter: ryandesign | Owner: jeremyhu
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: libressl openssl |
Comment (by jeremyhu):
Replying to [comment:4 ryandesign]:
> The user can receive binaries built on our buildbot with a stable
version of a library and use them with the development version of the
library on their system, assuming the library's `install_name` hasn't
Exactly, and since ffmpeg and ffmpeg-devel almost always have different
dylib ids, ffmpeg-devel is not a drop in binary compatible replacement for
ffmpeg. Thus, it is the same situation as libressl, libressl-devel, and
> for the hopefully short duration of time until the stable version of the
port is updated to the new version that has that same new major library
This is actually the norm for ffmpeg. It's expected that this is the case
long-term and a rarity that they dylib ids are the same.
> The libressl/openssl situation is completely different because they
always have and always will have completely different major library
versions and therefore `install_name`s and are therefore never drop-in
replacements for one another.
Yes, that is true, but I don't think it's right to say that we need to
address this for the specific case of libressl vs openssl when it would be
better to come up with a more general solution that applies to binary-
incompatible alternative API providers.
> the ports that are compatible with libressl should specify a dependency
on `path:lib/libssl.dylib:libressl` (to continue to allow users to use
libressl-devel instead if desired);
libressl-devel will almost always be binary incompatible with libressl,
just as ffmpeg-devel is almost always binary incompatible with ffmpeg.
their revisions should be increased so that they rebuild with the correct
libssl library version and `install_name`; openssl should be changed to
install into a different location (like ${prefix}/lib/openssl and
${prefix}/include/openssl as you suggested, or even just
`--prefix=${prefix}/libexec/openssl`) so that it does not conflict with
libressl; and the remaining ports that require openssl should change their
dependencies to `port:openssl` and have their revisions bumped to find
openssl in its new location (probably along with portfile changes to help
them find openssl in the new location).
I'd prefer to have all alternative implementations follow the same
installation convention instead of having one be in $prefix/lib and the
rest in $prefix/lib/$name.
> I don't see a boringssl port in MacPorts yet. Is there some need it
meets that libressl would not? I'd like to keep things simple, and
simplest would be not to add another ssl library.
It would possibly be desired if anyone decided to get chromium working,
but I see no need for it.
I don't see a good option that doesn't involve a major change to base of
an ssl PortGroup to manage this.
Replying to [comment:5 RJVB]:
> I'd vote against deprecating openssl or anything that looks like it for
that same reason - I don't think we can get around it as long as it's the
de-facto SSL provider on Linux (= the platform for which so many of the
ports in MacPorts are written).
Really? libressl is default/only on macOS, TrueOS, OpenBSD, FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and some Linux distros. I haven't seen much in the way of support
for OpenSSL and wouldn't be surprised if more Linus distress eventually
moved over to Libressl.
> It doesn't really matter how technically inferior it is; as long as it's
good enough to do the job it's probably the more practical and thus the
better solution.
On the contrary, when it comes to security and privacy, it is *very*
important to have a technically superior implementation. There have been
significantly more CVEs reported against OpenSSL than against Libressl
since the fork, and most (all?) of the ones impacting Libressl were from
pre-fork code that also impacted OpenSSL.
> I'm not interested in having to jump through all kinds of hoops to get a
theoretically better SSL implementation while most of the software I work
with was conceived to use OpenSSL and the majority of "my" ports depend on
(or are dependencies of) Qt5 which is incompatible with LibreSSL.
I highly suspect it's trivial to fix QT5 for work with libressl given that
QT5 almost certainly works fine on one of the many other platforms that
also use Libressl as the only/default implementation.
> As expressed on another ticket, I'd vote for an approach with a build
variant coupled with a mechanism to indicate incompatibility with either
one of the alternative *SSL ports - probably via a PortGroup just because
that's more practical to maintain than an implementation as a feature in
"base". In fact I set out designing such an SSL PG a bit over 2y ago but
gave up when I came to the conclusion that LibreSSL wasn't such a viable
alternative to OpenSSL in practice.
Do you have that WIP anywhere?
What made you think Libressl wasn't viable? I'm shocked that many people
still cling to OpenSSL after the repeated security debacles they have
continued to face after heartbleed.
> BTW, what do we know about mixing OpenSSL and LibreSSL in the address
space of a single application, provided that no data is passed between
implementations? IOW, can a Qt5 application (say, QupZilla) that uses
OpenSSL via Qt APIs also use non-Qt libraries built to use LibreSSL (say,
libcurl), or is that just asking for trouble?
Should work just fine. The API isn't objective-c, so the 2 level
namespace should let things "just work"
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/54744#comment:6>
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