[MacPorts] #56103: qgis3: incorrect variants
noreply at macports.org
Tue Mar 20 08:14:24 UTC 2018
#56103: qgis3: incorrect variants
Reporter: mojca | Owner: Veence
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Keywords: | Port: qgis3
The code for variants is not working correctly, it makes just one
conflicting variant with space.
$ port lint
---> Verifying Portfile for qgis3
Warning: Variant postgresql10 conflicts with non-existing variant
postgresql95 postgresql96
Warning: Variant postgresql95 conflicts with non-existing variant
postgresql10 postgresql96
Warning: Variant postgresql96 conflicts with non-existing variant
postgresql10 postgresql95
Warning: Variant python34 conflicts with non-existing variant python35
Warning: Variant python35 conflicts with non-existing variant python34
Warning: Variant python36 conflicts with non-existing variant python34
---> 0 errors and 6 warnings found.
$ port info qgis3 +postgresql96 +postgresql95
qgis3 @3.0.0_1 (gis)
Variants: debug, grass, postgresql10, +postgresql95,
+postgresql96, python34, python35, [+]python36
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/56103>
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