[MacPorts] #58019: squid4 port file has no --enable-http-violations option or variant

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Mon Feb 4 00:15:03 UTC 2019

#58019: squid4 port file has no --enable-http-violations option or variant
 Reporter:  essandess    |      Owner:  (none)
     Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
 Priority:  Normal       |  Milestone:
Component:  ports        |    Version:  2.5.4
 Keywords:               |       Port:  squid4
 The port file for {{{squid4}}} does not have an option to set the
 {{{--enable-http-violations}}} configuration flag. This option is
 necessary for squid to edit HTTP headers.

 It is possible to add this flag by hand with the edit {{{sudo vi `port
 file squid4`}}}, and adding it manually under {{{configure.args}}}. This
 works, but obviously any update to the {{{squid3}}} port file will wipe it

 Would you please consider adding the {{{--enable-http-violations}}} to the
 {{{squid4}}} port? My own rank-order preferences to accomplish this are:

 1. The flag {{{--enable-http-violations}}} is a default in the standard
 {{{squid4}}} port file.
 2. Create a {{{squid4}}} port variant for {{{--enable-http-violations}}}.
 3. Add a user-configurable {{{config}}} options list that can be modified
 on the port command line call.

 Note that the current build for {{{squid4}}} doesn't include this
 configuration options. Modified Portfile that works is attached.

 $ squid -v
 Squid Cache: Version 4.5
 Service Name: squid

 This binary uses OpenSSL 1.0.2q  20 Nov 2018. For legal restrictions on
 distribution see https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html

 configure options:  '--prefix=/opt/local' '--mandir=/opt/local/share/man'
 '--sysconfdir=/opt/local/etc/squid' '--datadir=/opt/local/share/squid' '--
 localstatedir=/opt/local/var/squid' '--
 libexecdir=/opt/local/libexec/squid' '--with-
 swapdir=/opt/local/var/squid/cache' '--with-
 pidfile=/opt/local/var/run/squid/squid.pid' '--disable-strict-error-
 checking' '--disable-loadable-modules' '--disable-arch-native' '--without-
 cppunit' '--without-gnugss' '--without-gnutls' '--without-libxml2'
 '--without-mit-krb5' '--without-heimdal-krb5' '--without-nettle'
 '--enable-delay-pools' '--enable-zph-qos' '--enable-removal-policies'
 '--enable-storeio=ufs,aufs,diskd,rock' '--enable-log-daemon-helpers'
 '--with-default-user=squid' '--enable-auth' '--enable-auth-basic'
 '--enable-auth-digest' '--enable-auth-negotiate=wrapper' '--enable-auth-
 ntlm' '--with-openssl=/opt/local' 'CC=/usr/bin/clang' 'CFLAGS=-pipe -Os
 -arch x86_64' 'LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names
 -arch x86_64' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include' 'CXX=/usr/bin/clang++'
 'CXXFLAGS=-pipe -Os -stdlib=libc++ -arch x86_64'

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/58019>
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