[MacPorts] #60714: 10.12 buildbot worker is offline
noreply at macports.org
Sun Jun 28 14:20:02 UTC 2020
#60714: 10.12 buildbot worker is offline
Reporter: mascguy | Owner: admin@…
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: server/hosting | Version: 2.6.2
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: |
Comment (by ryandesign):
Replying to [comment:10 ryandesign]:
> Here are the ones of those that had failcache entries that I deleted:
> Gyoto HORTON MyPaint alps caffe cantera gds gildas gnudatalanguage gr-
ofdm grass7 inkscape-devel lalburst mathgl ola openvdb plplot510 py-mayavi
py-onnx py-param py-pyviz_comms pymol root6 rsgislib shogun shogun-devel
uhd vapor vigra
> Somehow I thought it would be more.
I forgot to account for subports. Now deleted these additional failcache
boost-numpy cantera-devel gnuradio-devel gnuradio-next nds2-client-octave
octave-lal octave-lalburst octave-lalframe octave-lalinference octave-
lalinspiral octave-lalmetaio octave-lalpulsar octave-lalsimulation plplot-
single plplot510-single py27-astropy-healpix py27-bcolz py27-biggles
py27-cartopy py27-game py27-gensim py27-graph-tool py27-gyoto
py27-petsc4py py27-pycg py27-pyepl py27-pyilmbase py27-pymvpa py27-pyside2
py27-qutip py27-spyder py27-tables py27-tensorflow1 py35-astropy py35
-astropy-healpix py35-bcolz py35-blis py35-bottleneck py35-cartopy
py35-cftime py35-fabio py35-game py35-gdal py35-graph-tool py35-gsl
py35-gyoto py35-h5py py35-healpy py35-iminuit py35-imread py35-mahotas
py35-matplotlib py35-matplotlib-basemap py35-mayavi py35-montage
py35-numba py35-numexpr py35-opengl-accelerate py35-pandas py35-petsc4py
py35-pygrib py35-pyilmbase py35-pymvpa py35-qutip py35-rasterio py35
-scikit-learn py35-scipy py35-spyder py35-svipc py36-astropy py36-astropy-
healpix py36-bcolz py36-blis py36-bottleneck py36-cartopy py36-cftime
py36-dijitso py36-fabio py36-game py36-gdal py36-graph-tool py36-gsd
py36-gsl py36-gyoto py36-h5py py36-htseq py36-iminuit py36-imread
py36-mahotas py36-matplotlib py36-mayavi py36-montage py36-numba
py36-numexpr py36-opengl-accelerate py36-pandas py36-param py36-petsc4py
py36-pygrib py36-pyilmbase py36-pymvpa py36-pyside2 py36-pytorch
py36-pywavelets py36-qutip py36-rasterio py36-scikit-learn py36-scipy
py36-spaCy py36-spyder py36-spyder-devel py36-svipc py37-astropy py37
-astropy-healpix py37-bcolz py37-biggles py37-blis py37-bottleneck
py37-cftime py37-fabio py37-gacode py37-game py37-gdal py37-graph-tool
py37-gsd py37-gsl py37-gyoto py37-h5py py37-htseq py37-iminuit py37-imread
py37-mahotas py37-matplotlib py37-mayavi py37-networkit py37-numba
py37-numexpr py37-opengl-accelerate py37-pandas py37-param py37-petsc4py
py37-pyilmbase py37-pymvpa py37-pyside2 py37-pytorch py37-pywavelets
py37-rasterio py37-scikit-learn py37-scipy py37-spaCy py37-spyder py37
-spyder-devel py37-svipc py38-astropy py38-bcolz py38-bottleneck
py38-cftime py38-gdal py38-gsl py38-gyoto py38-h5py py38-iminuit
py38-imread py38-matplotlib py38-nds2-client py38-numba py38-numexpr py38
-opengl-accelerate py38-pandas py38-param py38-petsc4py py38-pyilmbase
py38-pyside2 py38-pywavelets py38-rasterio py38-scipy py38-spaCy uhd-39lts
After the backlog has been worked through I should probably force another
build of everything that depends on numpy and/or all python modules to
make sure nothing was skipped.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/60714#comment:11>
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