[MacPorts] #60206: Migrate kaffe dependents to Java portgroup

MacPorts noreply at macports.org
Thu Mar 19 19:09:22 UTC 2020

#60206: Migrate kaffe dependents to Java portgroup
  Reporter:  chrstphrchvz                        |      Owner:  (none)
      Type:  defect                              |     Status:  new
  Priority:  Normal                              |  Milestone:
 Component:  ports                               |    Version:
Resolution:                                      |   Keywords:
      Port:  kaffe beanshell castor cglib        |
  checkstyle cobertura commons-beanutils         |
  commons-cli commons-codec commons-collections  |
  commons-fileupload commons-io commons-lang     |
  commons-pool daisydiff derby derby-server      |
  dom4j ehcache fantom flyway google-guava       |
  itext jakarta-log4j java_memcached jdom        |
  jfreechart jgoodies-common jgoodies-forms      |
  jgoodies-looks jmock1 jmock2 jmol jna jsch     |
  jtidy libsvm log4jdbc mars msv mysql-          |
  connector-java nds2-client-swig-java           |
  objenesis pdfbox plantuml plovr postgresql7    |
  proguard pulse relames rhino saxon saxpath     |
  sbt-0.7 scala-migrations servlet23-api         |
  servlet24-api slf4j sphinx4 spring-            |
  framework25 spring-framework30 spring-         |
  framework31 spring-javaconfig spymemcached     |
  statcvs swig-java swig3-java                   |
  unicodeconverter-java xalanj xercesj xml-      |
  commons-resolver xmlenc xmlpull xom zanata-    |
  cli                                            |

Comment (by chrstphrchvz):

 Replying to [comment:2 p-bro]:
 > jmol is still maintained and developed upstream. I occasionally upgrade
 the port. And I'd like to keep it that way.
 > How can I check which java version is compatible? Could not find any
 information on the upstream website.
 > Side note: On my machine it uses a JRE in `/usr/bin`, linking to
 > {{{
 > $java -version
 > java version "1.8.0_152"
 > Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_152-b16)
 > Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.152-b16, mixed mode)
 > }}}

 Thanks for the quick response.

 I found the FAQ page specifies a minimum Java version (assuming it's not
 outdated): http://jmol.sourceforge.net/faqs/

 >== Application system requirements
 >=== What platforms does the Jmol application run on?
 >The Jmol application should run on any system that supports Java 1.4.
 Previous versions of Java are not supported.

 This would suggest specifying Java 1.4 or higher in the port.

 There is the possibility of a maximum compatible Java version, but have
 not confirmed this is the case. I briefly looked for discussions of issues
 with more recent Java versions on the project's mailing list and issue
 tracker, and so far only came across issues building jmol from source with
 Java 9 or later: https://sourceforge.net/p/jmol/bugs/608/
 https://sourceforge.net/p/jmol/mailman/message/34860374/ . Since the port
 uses the binary distribution rather than builds from source, this
 shouldn't be an issue.

 If `jmol` appears to work with the Java 8 on your system, then using Java
 8 LTS as the fallback should be fine for now, and I believe is less likely
 to cause disruption than using Java 11 LTS. To clarify, the fallback
 version is what will be used if no other Java (version 1.4 or later)
 installation is already present.

 I have opened a pull request on GitHub with the changes I suggest making:

Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/60206#comment:3>
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