[MacPorts] #61192: Lots of golang ports are downloading dependencies at build time
noreply at macports.org
Thu Oct 1 13:12:29 UTC 2020
#61192: Lots of golang ports are downloading dependencies at build time
Reporter: amake | Owner: (none)
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: annie aws-vault certigo chezmoi |
cloudmonkey copilot croc elvish evans fzf |
gitqlite glow go-migrate golangci-lint gore |
gotop grpcurl hugo ipfs istioctl jenkins-cli |
k9s krew kubergrunt kustomize micro mole |
newreleases pulumi rclone scw staticcheck |
syncthing tektoncd-cli terragrunt trivy uni |
up webify wtfutil yq |
Comment (by Aaron Madlon-Kay <amake@…>):
In [changeset:"c74c831164a7309e1b6dd142e9d5799910ffe535/macports-ports"
c74c831164a7309e1b6dd142e9d5799910ffe535/macports-ports] (master):
#!ConfigurableCommitTicketReference repository="macports-ports"
chezmoi: don't fetch dependencies in build phase
See https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61192
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61192#comment:60>
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