[MacPorts] #61263: Linking errors in multiple haskell ports
noreply at macports.org
Sun Oct 4 15:36:18 UTC 2020
#61263: Linking errors in multiple haskell ports
Reporter: nickgaya | Owner: neverpanic
Type: defect | Status: assigned
Priority: Normal | Milestone:
Component: ports | Version: 2.6.3
Resolution: | Keywords:
Port: hs-alex hs-cabal-install hs-happy |
hs-hscolour |
Comment (by neverpanic):
We should just outright delete haskell-platform and all hs-* ports.
The only reason why I haven't done it, is that we need to check which of
the ports are still referenced from other Portfiles (hopefully none), and
what to do about them.
There's little point in making haskell-platform an alias for a combination
of (ghc, cabal, stack), because by definition (see
https://www.haskell.org/platform/contents.html), haskell-platform is ghc +
a number of tools + a number of libraries. It does not make sense for us
to offer a haskell-platform port that does not install this set of tools
and libraries (which we wouldn't be doing, if we only added dependencies
on cabal and stack).
There's also little point in keeping the ports around and marking them as
deleted or obsolete, since as you know, they can currently not be
installed, so there can't be any users that still have them installed, and
those users on old systems that actually still have a copy would likely
rather keep their working copy rather than being upgraded to a notice that
says "these files are now all gone".
Help is very welcome in opening a PR that will just delete all hs-* ports.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.macports.org/ticket/61263#comment:9>
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